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Marketers are now wise to the need to create and curate quality content. The common challenge remains finding the time and resources for business blogging. One of the smartest ways to get around this conundrum is to learn how to repurpose blog content, constructing a well thought-out strategy to extract the maximum potential from each post to drive traffic, bring in leads and generate sales. The results? An abundance of content for maximum results with minimal time wasting.

An intelligent content strategy takes into account which blog posts have gained the most traction, and considers how to present them in new, fresh ways to various relevant online audiences. It absolutely always prioritises the needs, preferences, taste and style of its potential audience and always keeps the overall goals of the content in mind. Here follow a few really simple ideas for repurposing blog content:

1. Social media updates

Every time you blog for business, post a short-form version of the content to all social media channels on which your brand has a presence, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Use links to make it easy for your social audience to journey on to your website for the full version.

2. Ebooks

If you are sticking closely to a cohesive blog editorial strategy, the chances are that you’ll frequently cover the same topic from different angles. Consider bundling posts on similar topics into an ebook, which you can then offer as a free download which should drive traffic to your blog and attract new readers. Readers are generally receptive to informative, well-designed ebooks which help them solve a problem or teach them something.

3. Email

E-newsletters offer an ideal opportunity to round up the best of your corporate blog content to a targeted audience. Ensure that readers easily link through to your website to enjoy the full articles and hopefully the rest of your site.

4. Turn into new formats

Google frowns upon straight republishing/duplication of content – doing so can negatively impact your SEO performance. Yet with a modicum of creativity, you can translate blog posts into new formats such as podcasts, videos or perhaps presentations using SlideShare or BrainShark. It might take a little investment, but you could easily convert a series of blog posts into 20 minutes worth of corporate video content or audio. Think carefully about the ways in which your target readers like to consume information then repurpose existing content to suit their needs.

5. Stretch out or condense posts

Everybody loves a numbered list post offering bite-size information or tips. Perhaps you’ve already published a few such posts? Great news, you can now breathe new life into the content by drilling deeper down into each individual point. Flesh out each summarised point with additional information, opinions and fresh images to create a new series of blog posts.

On the flipside, you can also find several posts already written on the same broad topic, and condense them into one summarising bullet-pointed or numbered post.

6. Refresh older posts

Delve deep into the archives of your business blog and you should find that you’ve gleaned a mine of precious information over time. Why not revisit the best ones and bring them back to life by adding some current context and updated statistics? Steer away from news and series-type posts and head towards standalone posts that offer tips and information that’ll remain relevant and topical.

To discuss how to repurpose content in order to generate new leads and sales, call our blog helpline on 020 7395 1522

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